| 1. | Nonmetallic underground conduit with conductors 带导线的非金属地下导管 |
| 2. | Standard for safety for nonmetallic underground conduit with conductors 带导线的非金属地下导管的安全标准 |
| 3. | Numerical analysis of infiucence of seepage from underground conduit lining under high internal water pressure on slope stability 管道衬砌内水外渗对边坡稳定影响的数值模拟 |
| 4. | Test method for water infiltration resistance of plastic underground conduit joints which use flexible elastomeric seals 采用柔性合成橡胶密封件的塑料地下管道接头耐水渗透性试验方法 |
| 5. | Standard test method for water infiltration resistance of plastic underground conduit joints which use flexible elastomeric seals 使用挠性弹性密封材料的地下塑料水管接头耐水渗透性测试方法 |
| 6. | Test method for assembly force of plastic underground conduit joints that use flexible elastomeric seals located in the bell 用柔性合成橡胶密封件固定在套桶中的塑料地下管道接头组合力试验方法 |
| 7. | Standard test method for assembly force of plastic underground conduit joints that use flexible elastomeric seals located in the bell 使用挠性弹性密封件装在承接口处的地下塑料管道接头装配力的测试方法 |
| 8. | But the problem of underground conduit in city building has effect its development , also passed laying consumer line cannot offer and solve broad band operation demand 但是,城市建设中的地下管线问题影响了其发展,并且过去铺设的用户线(缆)不能提供和解决宽带业务的需求。 |